How did Butter and Egg Adventures come to existence?

This post is the first of several that will help you find out more about Butter and Egg Adventures.  First, we probably need to start off by telling you how and why we were started.  So, with that said, let’s go. 

Butter And Egg Adventures Front Entrance Back in 2001, owner Ron Pierce began offering baseball camps to area youth featuring half-day baseball training with half-day outdoor recreation using the existing swimming pool, lake and spacious grounds for group games. With the addition of a climbing wall and a single Zipline over the lake, the experience became known as “Camp Butter and Egg,” aptly named for the road on which we’re located. Through the years, baseball camps expanded to include summer sports camps featuring tennis, golf, and softball instruction. At the same time, the camp added additional recreation fields, more ziplines, challenge courses, a camp lodge, and enhanced waterfront activities.  

Once co-owner Susan Pierce joined the staff full-time in 2007, the addition of teambuilding, expanded food services, and hosting non-athletic groups started to take shape. In 2012, with a rapidly-growing business focused on group recreation and overnight retreats, the decision was made to discontinue sports training and focus all energies on developing a unique outdoor recreation and retreat center serving from two people to groups of several hundred persons at once.

Why “Butter and Egg?”

According to local sources, the road was named for the practice of area farmers selling their homemade butter and harvested eggs along the roadside to “city folks” from Troy who traveled down the “butter-and-egg-road” to make their purchases. We’re told that the farmers who actually occupied the site on which we now operate, struggled to make a living with their crops so they actually began the practice of selling butter and eggs, which later caught on with other local farmers.  Bicycle In Trees At Butter And Egg Adventrues

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